Where is XPO common stock traded?
XPO’s common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol "XPO".
What is the CUSIP number of XPO common stock?
The CUSIP number of XPO’s common stock is 983793100.
Where can I find out my return on investment in XPO stock?
You can click here for an XPO investment calculator.
How do I contact Investor Relations?
Where is XPO headquartered?
When was the last significant leadership change in the company?
On November 1, 2022, Brad Jacobs, who had served as the CEO and Chairman of the Board of XPO since September 2, 2011, became the Executive Chairman and Mario Harik, former Chief Information Officer, Chief Customer Officer, and President of XPO’s North American Less-Than-Truckload business segment, became the CEO.
What is XPO fiscal year?
XPO’s fiscal year reflects the calendar year, ending on December 31.
How can I get a copy of the XPO annual report?
You can download the Annual Report from a link on the Investor Relations area of this website. Click here to access the Annual Reports page. To receive a printed copy, please mail a request to Corporate Secretary, XPO, Inc., Five American Lane, Greenwich, CT 06831.
Who is the transfer agent for XPO?
Registered shareholders may contact Computershare Investor Services, LLC.
Phone: (877) 581-5548Website: www.computershare.com/us
Who is the company's independent accounting firm?
Our independent registered public accounting firm is KPMG LLP.
Website: www.kpmg.com/us